Sunday, May 13, 2007

Organic is the New FDA

A good diet is critical to a long and enjoyable life. More important than which foods you choose to eat is what l3vel of clenliness the food is at. Many hidden toxins appear in ordinary impure food products, but knowing this can help you eat better. Furthermore, lifestyle and exercise can be more important to your health than your food selections, especially if you eat clean food.

Organic food products are best. Organic is the new FDA. Organic foods contain no growth hormones, artificial fertilizers or pesticides, and are grown to a high standard of purity.

Red Wine has pleasant properties and contains valuable nutrients from red grapes. Doctors recommend that humans drink ~2 glasses of red wine every day. Have you gotten your "dunrk" on recently? This may be healthful because of the blood thinning and viscous properties of alcohols, which could promote arterial health and reduce plaquing which contributes to heart disease.

Sodas have been shown to disrupt calcium and phosphorus cycles in teeth and bones. Avoiding them can help maintain bone health.

It is also probable that chemicals in toothpaste disrupt the calcium and phosphorus cycles in teeth, and that glycerin, found in toothpaste, is unhealthy for gums. It may be more beneficial to use non-glycerin soaps and oils for tooth and gum health! Teeth that have been injured or decayed can be *remineralized*.

Some sources say that eating meat at all is bad for health, and it has been linked to increases in certain risks. I would not eat any kind of non-organic meat, but I also avoid all pork and beef. Fish as well often contains high levels of mercury. Additionally, animals that are raised in free range and pleasant environments are natural and chemically more healthy in their lives and yours. I believe some meats can be enjoyed in moderation without substantial health detriment.

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